Weekend Round-Up June 15/16

19 June, 2024 | Categorised in:
Weekend Round-Up June 15/16

A total washout of a weekend in terms of Herts League Cricket. However,,,

We were delighted to see Preston Womens X1 play in their inaugural match last Monday against Ickwell CC Women’s X1. An incredible match considering both teams have only been for about a month. Playing pairs format, some excellent skills were on show from both sides. Preston managed to win the match but more pleasing was to see this game take place in the first place and we hope to see more games over the summer for this brilliant group. Many thanks to Ickwell CC for being excellent and great fun opposition.

We also welcomed Dean Turner, President of Heidelberg CC, Melbourne Australia for a flying visit. Seen here pictured with Australian Rian Brown and Lachie Turner (son of) who both play for Heildeberg CC back home and are both playing for Preston CC this season along with Max Anderson and George Biggs who had a great experience playing for Heidelberg CC over the last few English winters. Justin Powick of Northcote CC also in Melbourne snagged a picture too as he knew the boys and club well. Preston CC has a strong connection with this Melbourne based club and long may that continue.

And Sunday, we did see some cricket. Preston Cricket Club member Bhav Patel held his family Charity fundraising day at Preston. The rain held off, some excellent cricket and delicious Indian street food was on offer.

So despite the washed out Saturday, along with numerous junior matches, it was another busy week.